Welcome to Waldo & Lyle

Virginia’s leading eminent domain law firm


Waldo & Lyle understands that the power of representing our clients in eminent domain cases is a huge responsibility, and we are dedicated to protecting property owners facing government seizure of private property. Our mission is simple: to ensure that each of our clients’ constitutional right to just compensation is fully protected.

No matter your situation, you can trust that our lawyers have your best interests in mind. We understand how difficult this process can be and will strive to make it as easy as possible. We also take pride in never representing the government or a condemning agency – always staying true to our client’s interests.

As the only eminent domain law firm in Virginia exclusively dedicated to representing property owners in eminent domain matters, we can assure you that our experienced attorneys will go above and beyond in advocating on your behalf!

About Waldo & Lyle

Since 1998, Waldo & Lyle has represented farmers, homeowners, churches, small business owners, and Fortune 500 companies in eminent domain matters throughout Virginia, North Carolina and the District of Columbia.

We are the only law firm in Virginia dedicated exclusively to representing property owners facing seizure of property by eminent domain. We have never represented the government or a condemning agency, and we never will.

Waldo & Lyle is committed to protecting its clients from eminent domain abuse and ensuring their constitutional right to just compensation is fully protected.

We Help a Variety of Clients

As an experienced eminent domain firm, Waldo & Lyle provides valuable assistance to many types of property owners: from farmers and homeowners to institutions,small businesses and corporations. We have expertise in representing property owners in land acquisition, just compensation, condemnation proceedings, and property rights litigation.

When corporations face the acquisition of their property for infrastructure projects, they often seek help from specialized firms like Waldo & Lyle. We assist with evaluations of initial offers of just compensation to determine whether the offer represents fair compensation for the property being taken and the damages to the remaining property. If the offer does not reflect the true impact of the taking, then we litigate and negotiate on their behalf to obtain just compensation. We can help corporate clients achieve a favorable outcome when facing eminent domain proceedings by providing guidance, support, and expert legal advice.Learn More »
We are experienced in representing small business owners impacted by government seizure of their land. Whether it be a single property or multiple parcels, we help owners receive the full measure of just compensation for the property that has been taken and damaged. We represent the owner’s interests throughout the process of negotiation and litigation.Learn More »
When a public or private entity needs to acquire property to construct a public use project, it may exercise its power of eminent domain. As an experienced legal firm, Waldo & Lyle can help homeowners understand their rights in these situations and ensure they obtain the just compensation they deserve. We can negotiate with the acquiring entity on behalf of the homeowner, ensuring that the process is fair and that the compensation includes all elements to which the owner is entitled.Learn More »
Because Waldo & Lyle focuses its practice to just one area, it can advise and represent farmers in negotiations with the government to ensure they receive fair and equitable treatment. We identify potential damages caused by the acquisition to ensure they are included in the valuation process. We also help farmers understand the risks of accepting an initial offer from the government, which could result in a much lower compensation than what is legally due.Learn More »
Waldo & Lyle has significant experience protecting institutional clients against underpayment in eminent domain proceedings. We regularly negotiate with and litigate against government entities to determine the fair market value of our clients property and advocate for them to receive just compensation. As a part of our representation we challenge any possible undervaluation of the property’s fair market value.Learn More »

Know Your Rights!

Our eminent domain attorneys represent private, commercial, and business owners, and we ensure every client’s rights under the eminent domain law are protected. These rights include:

  • Entitlement to just compensation for the property taken under eminent domain
  • Fair compensation for damages incurred to the remaining property as a result of the taking
  • Obtaining a property appraisal to determine the current market value of the property
  • Legal representation from pre-lawsuit to the trial, if required
  • Rejecting the government’s offer of compensation
  • Compensation for any damages to a business

Why Choose Our Eminent Domain Law Firm

Our team of lawyers takes every eminent domain case seriously and won’t settle for less than you deserve. Here are more reasons to work with us:

A Commitment to You

Our attorneys only represent private property owners and never the government or condemning agency. We put our client’s needs first and are committed to protecting their constitutional rights to just compensation from start to finish.

A Record of Success

Whether through negotiations with the government or an eminent domain hearing, Waldo & Lyle has succeeded in its eminent domain cases and proven to be an invaluable ally for property owners in Virginia, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia.

An Understanding of Your Constitutional Rights

Our lawyers understand the Constitution and what it means for landowners facing a taking by eminent domain – and we’re here to defend you.

Legal Protection

Waldo & Lyle is the only law firm in Virginia dedicated exclusively to defending property owners facing a taking by eminent domain.

Local Representation

While our firm is nationally recognized, we are locally rooted and headquartered in Virginia.

Superior Service

We offer the highest quality of legal representation to every client, and our attorneys know the ins and outs of this field of law.

No Firm Has Your Back Better Than Us!

With over 20 years of eminent domain experience under our belt and a commitment to getting you what you deserve, you can trust us to provide outstanding legal counsel.

So, if you are looking for experienced representation when facing a taking by eminent domain in Virginia, North Carolina, or the District of Columbia, contact us today! Our attorneys will provide you with individualized attention and strategic advice every step of the way.

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